偽蘋果醬 Fake Apple Jam - 250g



Fake Apple Jam - 250g (Vegan, Keto-friendly, Gluten Free) 中文商品名稱:偽蘋果果醬 250克(生酮低碳、純素、不含麩質) 揾緊一個美味又健康嘅果醬?試下我哋嘅偽蘋果醬啦,佢係用低卡、適合生酮同埋糖尿病人嘅合掌瓜(佛手瓜)做嘅! 我哋嘅偽蘋果醬每100克只有27卡路里同埋3.3克淨碳水化合物,係一個完美嘅無負擔零食,啱哂啲生酮或低碳飲食嘅人食。而且無添加糖,所有甜味都係嚟自阿洛酮糖,所以糖尿病人都食得㗎! 最正嘅係,我哋嘅偽蘋果醬食起來真係好似真嘅蘋果醬,你根本唔會覺得佢係用合掌瓜代替蘋果製成嘅! 快啲買樽試吓嚟滿足你嘅甜品口腹之欲啦! 成分:合掌瓜,阿洛酮糖,檸檬,香料,天然蘋果提取物,黃原膠 由於我哋所有醬料都冇添加任何食品添加劑或防腐劑,所以煩請放喺雪櫃儲存,開封後請喺2個月內食用。 我哋所有嘅產品均已經過 Intertek 嘅測試(1+7 營養分析)。 Intertek 係為全球食品行業提供分析和測試服務嘅領先供應商。 Looking for a delicious and healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth? Try our Keto-friendly, low calorie, and diabetic-friendly fake apple jam made with chayote squash and sweetened with Allulose! Our jam has only 27 calories per 100g and 3.3 net carbs, making it the perfect guilt-free treat for anyone following a low carb or Keto diet. Plus, it's sweetened with Allulose, which means people with diabetes can enjoy it too! Best of all, our fake apple jam tastes just like the real thing - you won't even know it's made with chayote squash instead of apples! So why wait? Order your jar of fake apple jam today and enjoy a healthier, more delicious way to satisfy your cravings! Ingredients: • Chayote • Allulose • Lemon • Spices • Natural apple extract • Xanthan gum To ensure freshness and optimal flavor, please store our sauces in the refrigerator and consume within 2 months after opening, as we do not add any food additives or preservatives. Rest assured, all of our products have undergone rigorous testing through Intertek's 1+7 Nutrition Analysis. As a leading provider of analysis and testing services, Intertek is dedicated to ensuring quality and safety in the global food industry.



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