About International Shipping 關於國際運送



We use LHK Express https://lhkexpress.com/ to ship our sauces and jam in vacuum packing overseas. 國際付運我哋選用LHK Express https://lhkexpress.com/ 寄到海外。 Currently we ship to 現在我哋可以寄到去呢啲目的地: USA 美國 UK 英國 Taiwan 台灣 Australia 澳洲 New Zealand 紐西蘭 Canada 加拿大 South Korea 韓國 Japan 日本 Italy 意大利 Germany 德國 France 法國 If your location is not listed above but you have been receiving non-store bought food items from Hong Kong without any problem, please let us know! If you are not sure, you may click on the following link to check https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/prohibited_restricted_items/index.html In any case if you want to take the risk and bear the cost if your parcel cannot get through without any refund, let us know too. 如上所述冇你身處很嘅國家或地區,但你又知道寄手作食物去你度係冇問題,歡迎電郵聯絡我哋告知。如果你唔肯定但又想試吓,可考慮先參考https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/prohibited_restricted_items/index.html ,你唔介意承擔收唔到貨同埋不設任何退款嘅話,我哋都可以配合。 運費計算方式請根據: https://lhkexpress.com/%e9%81%8b%e8%b2%bb%e8%a8%88%e7%ae%97/ We use 23cm x 15.5cm x 11.5cm carton boxes. Maximum capacity is 2kg (i.e. max 6 pieces x 280g Divine Chilli Crisps in 4 vacuum seal bags). 每個訂單最多可寄到6 個 280ml份量嘅 Divine Chilli Crisps,我哋會用23cm x 15.5cm x 11.5cm我哋會用2kg,所以落單時最多只可選6件,6 個 280ml份量嘅 Divine Chilli Crisps會以4個真空袋包裝寄出。 Customs duties & taxes 關稅/稅務 We do not cover any duty and tax claims. In the event your parcel is charged taxes or any additional charges, you are responsible for all expenses occurred 我哋恕不負責承擔任何稅務費用,如果你嘅包裹被徵收任何關稅或其他額外費用,請閣下自行負責。 Photo Courtesy: PicMonkey
