勁正辣脆 Divine Chilli Crisps(橄欖油 - 哇都幾辣吓)(Olive Oil - Whoa It's Quite Hot) - 300g



Divine Chilli Crisps (Olive Oil - Whoa It's Quite Hot) - 300g (keto-friendly, not vegan, contains nuts) 中文商品名稱:勁正辣脆(橄欖油 - 哇都幾辣吓)300克(適合生酮飲食/非純素/含有堅果) 點食㗎?我哋嘅招牌醬 勁正辣脆(Divine Chilli Crisps)可以用嚟點食都得!可以放喺雞蛋、pizza、雞翼甚至你最鍾意嘅雪糕上面一齊食,好香好正㗎! 配芝士同埋啲creamy嘅嘢一齊食亦好夾。可以用嚟整開胃前菜(例如涼拌青瓜、涼拌矮瓜),撈飯撈麵一流,又或者簡簡單單用嚟炒菜煮餸,又方便又美味。用嚟整麻辣雞煲宴客,你啲朋友仔會覺得你好勁㗎。另外,店主有幾個好瘋狂嘅朋友會就咁當零食咁食。 成分:橄欖油,辣椒,蒜頭,乾蔥,豆豉,花生,白芝麻,蝦米,花椒,芝麻油,五香粉,純冬菇粉,阿洛酮糖 由於我哋所有醬料都冇添加任何食品添加劑或防腐劑,所以煩請放喺雪櫃儲存,開封後請喺2個月內食用。 我哋所有嘅產品均已經過 Intertek 嘅測試(1+7 營養分析)。 Intertek 係為全球食品行業提供分析和測試服務嘅領先供應商。 Introducing our exquisite Divine Chilli Crisps sauce, a versatile condiment that can enhance any dish. Whether you're drizzling it over eggs, pizza, chicken wings, or even your favourite ice cream, this sauce is a game changer. Combine it with cucumbers for a delectable side, or use it in stir-fries. It's also perfect for creating a keto-friendly Hong Kong-style mala chicken pot. Ingredients: * Olive oil * Chillies * Garlic * Shallots * Fermented black beans * Peanuts * Roasted white sesame seeds * Dried shrimps * Sichuan peppercorn * Sesame oil * Five spices * Shiitake mushroom * Allulose To ensure freshness and optimal flavour, please store our sauces in the refrigerator and consume within 2 months after opening, as we do not add any food additives or preservatives. Rest assured, all of our products have undergone rigorous testing through Intertek's 1+7 Nutrition Analysis. As a leading provider of analysis and testing services, Intertek is dedicated to ensuring quality and safety in the global food industry.
