食法 Meal Prep Ideas: 勁正辣脆 Divine Chilli Crisps



點食㗎?我哋嘅招牌醬 勁正辣脆 (Divine Chilli Crisps)可以用嚟點食都得。 可以放喺雞蛋,pizza,雞翼甚至乎喺你最鍾意嘅雪糕上面一齊食,好香好正㗎! 配芝士同埋啲creamy嘅嘢一齊食亦好夾。可用嚟整開胃前菜例如涼拌青瓜、涼拌矮瓜,撈飯撈麵一流,又或者簡簡單單用嚟炒菜煮餸,又方便又美味。 用嚟整麻辣雞煲宴客,你啲朋友仔會覺得你好勁㗎。另外,店主有幾個好瘋狂嘅朋友佢哋會就咁當零食咁食。 Our Divine Chilli Crisps can literally be used on everything. It’s good on eggs, pizza, chicken wings or even your favourite ice cream. Mix it with cucumbers to make an appetising side dish, or simply use it to stir fry. It’s also really good to make a keto mala chicken pot Hong Kong style with this sauce. We have a few customers and friends who simply snack on it.

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